
Primitive and flexible state management for React


atomWithListeners creates an atom and a hook. The hook can be called to add a new listener. The hook takes as an argument a callback, and that callback is called every time the atom's value is set. The hook also returns a function to remove the listener.

This can be useful when you want to create a component that can listen to when an atom's state changes without having to re-render that component with each of those state changes.

import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { atom, useSetAtom, Getter, Setter, SetStateAction } from 'jotai'
type Callback<Value> = (
get: Getter,
set: Setter,
newVal: Value,
prevVal: Value
) => void
export function atomWithListeners<Value>(initialValue: Value) {
const baseAtom = atom(initialValue)
const listenersAtom = atom(<Callback<Value>[]>[])
const anAtom = atom(
(get) => get(baseAtom),
(get, set, arg: SetStateAction<Value>) => {
const prevVal = get(baseAtom)
set(baseAtom, arg)
const newVal = get(baseAtom)
get(listenersAtom).forEach((callback) => {
callback(get, set, newVal, prevVal)
const useListener = (callback: Callback<Value>) => {
const setListeners = useSetAtom(listenersAtom)
useEffect(() => {
setListeners((prev) => [...prev, callback])
return () =>
setListeners((prev) => {
const index = prev.indexOf(callback)
return [...prev.slice(0, index), ...prev.slice(index + 1)]
}, [setListeners, callback])
return [anAtom, useListener] as const

In a component:

const [countAtom, useCountListener] = atomWithListeners(0)
function EvenCounter() {
const [evenCount, setEvenCount] = useState(0)
(get, set, newVal, prevVal) => {
// Every time `countAtom`'s value is set, we check if its new value
// is even, and if it is, we increment `evenCount`.
if (newVal % 2 === 0) {
setEvenCount((c) => c + 1)
return <>Count was set to an even number {evenCount} times.</>